Post by FriendlyBaron on Mar 7, 2017 6:47:42 GMT
Welcome to the Content Creator Subforum! Discuss tips, tricks, and other general things about the content creator
Use the main content creator forum for this topic. Look to the Track Builders Tips & Tricks thread for track building discussion, from basic to advanced tips. Submit or test a track from your platform
There is a test the track for each platform! Use these threads to share single tracks and find ones to play. Do not create a single thread just for one track. Test the Track: Playstation - Xbox - PCCreate a list of your own tracks to share
If you would like to list all of your tracks in their own thread, do so in your platforms section: PC - Playstation - XboxFor an example, look to Broughy's Racing Circuits & Playlists, where tracks are grouped together. You could also follow the style of equationunequal's creations, where a new post is made for every track. Or use the method in my thread, where I group each track by type, and sometimes make a post for new ones as well as add them to the list. Unofficial NODO Track DatabasesAbeCede is running the website gtaracing.net, which lets you add tracks into a database, submit laptimes, and other detailed information. Great for event hosts and playlist creators, and anyone can submit a track. Across ALL PLATFORMS, if you want extra feedback on tracks, or want your tracks made into a list and added to the huge Creator Catalogue, join the ever-growing community on Discord here - invite.gg/cchub