Hi CZntStopRLRRjb.
I don't have an xbox so i couldn't test your race but i loaded up the content creator to have a look.
Very original route even if it is very tight in some sections.
Looking at the map I see that some CPs (checkpoints) could be removed, I understand you put them so as to prevent players from taking the wrong routes but this leads to CPs being too close which should be avoided.
CP 40,42,45,48,50,52,55 can be removed. CPs in game always point toward the next CP , the direction you put in content creator is only for the direction in which spawning cars point. So most players will follow the direction of the CP and see the next CP even if is far away.You should also avoid placing too many CPs in a straight line.
CP 15 can also be removed, this will give you 3 chevron CP (indicating tight turns) pointing backwards. Everyone will understand it is a hairpin.
2 way traffic is not very popular in Nodo even for fun tracks as we almost never do non-contact. I would suggest you remove it. If you want to keep the western part of the track you can remove the 2 way traffic with this route.
Same entry point as before. Very important to use props to guide the player here.
Very tight section but not tighter than the sector at the start of the race.
I would also recommend removing the cross-over in the western part too.
Putting props behind CPs to shape a corner looks good but maybe they could be used elsewhere to make your track less confusing as dockyard tracks are not easy to race on the first time. The player will see the CP and turn even if the corner is not rounded off or alternate routes blocked. For example props at CP 49 and 50 can be removed with no issue. These props could be used for example in a hairpin like in the 1st picture.
Hope you don't mind my lengthy essay, only for constructive feedback.