Wow great job on the build, and especially the bridge. Congrats; you deserve it.....
Wow. Thanks a lot for that much work you put into evaluating my track. I´d like to pay this back, by doing the same for you. Please excuse spellling and grammar mistakes, since English is my second language. Before starting with my thoughts on your track, I´d like to pick up some of your suggestions:
"When using barges as guard rails, I wish that, on the whole, builders lowered them to the height of other existing guardrails."
I totally agree with you on that point, I always try to accomplish that. There is one spot where i didnt make it (The left hander with the jump), and i didnt, because it´s a inclined area and tilting it, would loose the optical effect of guidance when approaching the corner from the inside, since you would barely see it then.
"I wish you could light up your magnificent bridge":
Same here
unfortunately i would need so many props, that it´s close to impossible. I might try to use the Checkpoints in the middle of the big bridge, maybe it helps. Never the less, this track is built to be used on noon, because the angle of the sun make certain parts nearly black, like you said. Unfortunately locking a track to a specific daytime isn´t possible, is it?
"To gain additional prop availability, I'd consider losing... a few concrete guides on bridge" Since they block of lamp posts, which stick out of the platforms, I´d rather keep them, because I´m afraid it will cause much trouble to hit those lamp posts.
"To gain additional prop availability, I'd consider losing... the start/finish structures" The first one blocks of 2 lights, which stick out of the platform - luckily the distance between those 2 matches up perfectly with the width of the start/finish structure. Same goes for the second strucutre, instead being a traffic light this time, which is covered.
"To gain additional prop availability, I'd consider losing... the potted plant streetlight guards" I kept this section in particular as open as possible, to open up the possibility of using different lines - which hopefully results in nice battle situations, like in the video i tried to hint at. To accomplish this, I had to make sure people can switch between different racing lines at anytime, without causing lamp posts to fall down or causing trouble in any kind.
"To gain additional prop availability, I'd consider losing... the guard rail used with the road bed smoothing" I had lots of different versions of that corner, this one is the most trimmed down version of them all. But I wont be able to loose any more props on there, because the road bed is just too bumpy, to drive it with the speed I´d like to have here.
Concerning 3-6: Overall I take the deficit of having no lighten up bridge as a compromise to be able to improve the rest of the track, as i hopefully managed. Still I´d love to have the possibility to light up my bridge, but I just have to deal with it i guess.
"In addition, I'm not sure I get the reason for the dynamic props on the dynamic street lights near the start line" My idea was to prevent people from curb boosting in that area, because a flying lamp post at that top speed section would be a mess to followers. I don´t like the looks of the fruit stands but they might be the better choice here? Let me know
Now, what you are probably waiting for:
Your track! First of all: This is totally subjective.
I like the routing of it a lot. It´s not excessively technical and at the same time not boring at all.
Checkpoint 8 might be a tiny bit too much on the outside. I managed to miss it in my first lap, because I´m used to taking this corner as tight as i can, because of Broughy´s Los Santos GP. Checkpoint 9 is pretty much immediately afterwards, what makes me question the sense of it? - do you want people to take the outside lane here? Maybe delete it
I love the Corner at Checkpoint 12. The following left-hander is a bit tricky, when taking it without lifting the gas a lot, because of the rubber tire barriers which are like magnets to my car. I prefer using an aditional right-hander here through the Daily Globe International lobby. It´s well done in Broughys LSGP I think. If this is no option for you, just stick with it the way it is, but maybe use another prop at the outside of the left hander?
The following bridge is a nice idea and surely can provide a rare experience. Unforunately it´s a little bumpy, which distracts a bit from those nice lights you implemented. To ensure a better impression on this, i will put a video at the bottom of this post, which explains how you can build those bridges without any bumps at all. (It is without any commentary, but self-explanatory) The Checkpoint at the bottom of the bridge is unnecessary and should be removed i think, because it gives a very small time to react for the next corner.
The corner at Checkpoint 25 is, depending on your car, very difficult to take without a major lift of throttle. I´m not sure how to improve it a lot though. Maybe block the inside line and force the player to go for the 90° corner?
The double right-hander right after the tunnel is tricky in terms of design on your track, because you use this section the other way round. I think i would prefer to place those tire barriers on the green here, to block it off. Surely this will give you less space, but you gain more for the other way around. In the second right hander, I would delete those tire barriers on the inside. This should give you some more options for other obstacles to save.
The following left-hander with a more or less chicane is a bit... idk. Maybe sketchy? I had problems with the checkpoint. Somehow tend to drive straight after the first floatpile.
Corner at Checkpoint 36 is well done at looks nice.
After Checkpoint 39 you block off the lamp post plus the outside lane. The angle in which the concrete barrier is placed is strange for me. I might even try to open up the outside lane to the left of the lamp here.
Checkpoint 50 is a bit off the apex. I´d adjust it to the inside.
Overall I´d say this is a nice track with lots of good corners and ideas. Just lacks a bit of perfection to me. Good Job
PS: Here is the Clip for placing those bridges: