Call me Mr Diddles because I'll diddle you anytime.
Posts: 507
Registered on: August 2015
PSN ID: Kifflom_420
Steam: kifflom99
Social Club: Kifflom99_420
Post by Kifflom_420 on Oct 4, 2015 0:00:30 GMT
So i have this idea which will take me forever. Mainly Aussies New Zealanders will know what im talking about but im sure people from other cuntries will know too. Im making 5 playlists each with 10 races in it the first one is a Go Kart one which is finished and hopefully will have a link. The next one that im currently doing will be a Ute series which you will use the Picador for. The #rd will be sort of like an Aussie Racing cars style which you will use a Panto for because well they are similiar small but fast. Then i there will be a carrera cup and obviouslyyou would use the comet. But lastly is the V8 SUpercars but you dont use supercars you use instead either a Sultan RS as the Ford or the Kuruma as a Holden if i could i would so try to get a Volvo, Mercedes and Nissan on there but thats not easy because they need to be on the same pace sort of. I just changed it so that all of these will have Utility unlocked so hopefully you can use customs if not then I will make unlocked versions. Plz comment your feedback down below to help me improve these tracks Duncecone has already given me his feedback and he said the hills was a great on so thx. Tatavium Go KartPaleto Bay Go Kart Zancudo Go KartSandy Shores Go Kart The Hills Go Kart Del Perro Go Kart Little Seoul Go Kart Downtown LS Go KartSouth LS Go KartLS Airport Go Kart